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What do we provide:

Buy smurf League of Legends accounts using to save money and time.
We are offering a tool for free to display smurf Account prices in Realtime 24 Hours 7 Days a week. You are able to select your desired Region and see a List of the best Smurf League of Legends Account sellers in 2023. You can sort every row in our tables and use the search function to filter for specific needs. Sometimes its hard to find lol account sellers that accept PayPal as their payment method. Here you can see the different payment methods at one site.No more searching for league accounts for sale since you can find the cheapest one by looking at our tables. This hopefully makes it easy for you to buy Smurf League of Legends Accounts without wasting time and safing money.
The current Tables include:
– Unverfied level 30 League of Legends smurf accounts with Blue Essence ranging from 40k to 175k BE.
Unranked lol accounts
High MMR smurf Account.
Ranked smurf accounts including all kinds of Ranks beginning with Bronze and ending with Master.
– Smurf accounts with a skin of your choice. If you want to have a specific skin you can choose it. An option would be Black Alistar, Spirit Guard Udyr or Star Guardian Lux as an example.
– lol smurfs with unopened capsules
– Unverified League of Legends accounts with a set of champions
– League of Legends Account prices for the following Regions: EUW, NA, EUNE & TR
– Accepted Payment types of each listed seller. PayPal, Credit Card, Crypto & more.
– Coupon codes to save money

How accurate are the prices?

Each Account price gets updated every 15 Minutes. Incase a website is down or cannot be checked then the specific Account will be automatically delisted from the tables. Prices that are older than 30 minutes are not shown and we receive a notification to fix it. This way we can assure you 100% accurate prices at anytime.

Different currencies: Incase an Account has a Price in Euro € we are automatically converting it to USD $ to provide an accurate lol smurf price.


Select your Desired Region

Compare Prices

Why should you compare Prices?

When it comes to making a purchase, whether it’s a big item or a small everyday purchase, it’s always a good idea to compare prices before making a decision. There are many reasons why you should take the time to compare prices before you buy. The good news is that smurfprices closes the gap in League of Legends Smurf Marketplace. We provide you with accurate League of Legends Smurf Account Prices from the best choosen sellers. In addition to that we also give you Details of the accepted Payment methods of the different sellers. Some users only have the ability to pay via PayPal for example. This ensures that you can buy smurf League of Legends Accounts with the payment method of your choice.

Buy the best lol Account

By comparing prices, you can ensure that you’re getting the best smurf account possible. Prices can vary greatly from one store to another, and by taking the time to compare the different sellers with our Pricing Tables, you can find the best price for the account you’re looking for. Additionally, you can also find discounts, coupons, sales and special offers on our site that can help you save even more money. The cheapest smurfs listed are always league accounts for sale.

Determine wich Sellers are Trusted and provide Quality Accounts

The offer is overwhealming when you search for a new unranked lol Account. This can be really exchausting filtering good from bad sellers. Our Mindset is that we’ll list only lol account sellers that have built up alot of trust and reputation. We do not want to list everyone that sells lol accounts. We’ve done the work to determine which Sellers are trusted and provide the best accounts. You can safely buy lol smurf accounts from any listed League Account Shops. Don’t forget to use the coupon to save extra money.

Smurf Accounts

What are LoL Smurf Accounts?

A smurf account is a secondary or alternate account created by a player in LoL. The idea behind having a smurf is to start fresh and play at a lower level, away from the pressure of a player’s main account. This allows players to experiment with different champions, play with friends at a lower level, or just take a break from the competitive atmosphere of their main account.

What smurf types do exist?

  • Blue Essence lol smurf: Unverified and unranked lol account that has a specific amount of Blue Essence
  • Ranked league of legends account: Unverified account that has been ranked in your desired Division for you.
  • High MMR smurf account: An unverified smurf account that has a high MMR from the previous season.
  • Smurf account with unopened capsules: Perfect for Players that want to save BE when activating champion shards.
  • Choose a skin lol smurf: You have the option to pick a choosen skin before buying your account.

Why Buy a Lol Smurf Account?

  • Try New Champions: Unranked smurf accounts allow players to try new champions without the pressure of losing on their main account.
  • Play with Friends at a Lower Level: Friends can play together, regardless of skill level, on a lower-level smurf account.
  • Start Fresh: Smurf accounts allow players to start fresh and have a new experience in LoL.
  • Relief from Pressure: Playing on a smurf account can provide a break from the pressure of a player’s main account.

Where to Buy Lol Smurf Accounts?

There are many websites that offer LoL smurf accounts for sale. When buying a smurf account, it’s important to choose a reliable and trustworthy website to ensure the security of your account and information. But how can you determine which site is trusted and where do you get the best Smurf Accounts from? Heres where Smurf Prices steps in and provides you the best Accounts from the best lol Account sellers.

What to Consider Before Buying a Lol Smurf Account?

  • Security: Make sure the website you buy from is reliable and secure to protect your personal information. Choose our listed sellers to be safe. We took care to list only the best lol account sellers with the most reviews and best services.
  • Region: Choose the region in which you want to play.
  • Account Type: Decide what type of a lol account you want to buy. An unranked lol account with alot of blue essence safes you money longterm because you have enough BE to buy all the champions you need. On the other hand a high MMR smurf account safes you alot of time getting to a specific rank.
  • Price: Compare prices on different websites to find the best deal.
  • Payment types: Make sure that you pick an account from a smurf shop that offers the payment method that you would like to use.
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